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Knowledge-based schooling puts the emphasis of early education on teaching and learning an enabling core of broadly shared knowledge—enabling because it builds strong foundations for later learning and opens doors to effective participation and mutual understanding in the wider society.

Zoo-phonics is a method developed to make children strong readers and spellers using a “phono” (hearing), “oral” (speaking), “visual” (seeing), “kinesthetic” (moving), and tactile (touching)—whole brain approach. Students actually learn the sounds of the alphabet and advanced phonemic concepts through an easily understood, concrete method of presentation.

The path to literacy spirals out in one magic moment—when a child’s lines become language.
They discover that lines form letters and the letters represent sounds. And when put together, they create words, which build into sentences. With each new skill, they unlock the endless possibilities of reading.


SPARK is our physical education program that occurs on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. During SPARK we focus on developing fine and gross motor skills, tracking skills, crossing the mid-line, building self confidence, and learning how we can keep our bodies happy and healthy. ​Some of our SPARK units include parachute, music and movement, balloons, bean bags, jump ropes, and more.


  • Core Knowledge 

  • Zoo-phonics 

  • Learning Without Tears 

  • One in Christ
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